Provocerad Vulvodyni

Morgonens nyheter innehöll ett inslag om provocerad vulvodyni, tidigare kallat Vestibulit. Socialstyrelsen gick ut med ett pressmeddelande där man konstaterade att det finns alldeles för lite kunskap, förståelse och ingen effektiv vård att få LÄNK. Tyvärr vet man som regel inte om att behandling med PRP och ibland i kombination med intimlaser kan ge mycket goda resultat.

Här ett exempel på patientuttalande:


  • AGE: 29
  • DIAGNOSIS: Dyspareunia, vestibulodynia (VVS), vaginismus.
  • TREATMENT: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

“This man is a MIRACLE WORKER. I have been suffering from Neuro proliferative vestibulodynia for 6 years. I went to the best doctors, many told me I am imagining it. Some told me they dont know what I have, and the ones who did know, just didn’t know how to properly treat me. I lost all hope, I went to him broken, genuinely feeling like that was my fate, I had to live with it and accept it.

He told me he will treat me with PRP, and it will only take 3 treatments. I started with EXTREME PAIN ( so extreme that i haven’t had intercourse in 6 years) but after only 2 treatments the pain went down from a 10/10 to a 2/10. I just did my 3rd treatment recently and I will be seeing the Dr. again soon. Aside from him being a genius, he is caring and genuine. He truly loves his patients, and is so kind. There’s no other Dr like him, I say this from the bottom of my heart. The best decision that I’ve made is going half way across the world to meet him.I know what it feels like to be depressed and hopeless. BUT THERE IS HOPE !!! Please talk to him.”

Du kan läsa flera liknande uttalanden på

Här några intressanta länkar:

New Help for Genital, Vaginal, and Vulvar Pain: Integrative, Translational Therapies

Vill du lära dig att utföra denna behandling med PRP som ryms under vårt koncept VAGINOVA®, kontakta oss direkt.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Lars Tibell
AB Servita eller telefon 040 470101