What is Exomine?

Exomine stresses the platelets and trace amounts of other blood cells contained in PRP, causing the secretion of billions of vesicles. At the same time, it activates platelets with its special protocol and devices and provides a plasma rich in platelet-derived exosomes.

EXOMINE, which has a wide range of usage in Aesthetic, Orthobiological and Therapeutic applications, provides effective results in many areas such as skin regeneration, hair loss, spot treatments, joint and connective tissue treatments, and non-healing wounds.


Exomine Kit is an autologous system obtained from the patient’s own blood, so it does not cause any side effects such as allergic reactions or immune system problems after injection. Exomine Kit product provides safe and effective application for the patient.


In Joint and Connective Tissue Treatments
Through the functions of intercellular signaling and cell stimulation, it contributes to the augmentation of synovial fluid, It plays a significant role in strengthening and repairing joint and connective tissue.

In Hair and Skin Treatments
Nourishing the hair tissue and stimulating hair follicle cells significantly stops hair loss, promotes the growth and thickening of existing hair. By stimulating the production of essential collagen and elastin for the skin, it enhances skin texture, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and facilitates quick repair and regeneration.


The Exomine Kit induces the release of billions of vesicles by stressing platelets and trace amounts of other blood cells found in PRP. Simultaneously, it provides a plasma rich in platelet-derived exosomes by activating platelets with its special protocol and devices.

mRNA: Through its support in transferring genetic information to target cells, it plays a critical function in facilitating intercellular communication and the exchange of genetic material.

miRNA: Through the modulation of gene expression, it governs the synthesis of proteins, proving effective in biological processes like cell differentiation, development, and regulation.

Protein: It provides intercellular communication and regulation.


The Microlyzer 600μm, with its special design blades and structure, induces the release of billions of vesicles by stressing blood cells and plays a significant role in the activation of platelet cells simultaneously.


T-LAB, through collaborative efforts with its highly skilled research and development team collaborating with specialized medical professionals, has developed patented and uniquely designed ”Advanced PRX Tube” as a result of studies aimed at enhancing vesicle release of blood cells of specific size and weight. With its special internal design, the product facilitates the release of billions of vesicles, activation of platelet cells, and settling of trace amounts of other blood cells in the pellet.

Billions of Vesicles, Optimum Size, High Viability!

EXOMINE reaches approximately 4-5 billion vesicles per mL, as a result of the device and protocol studies carried out by T-LAB. EXOMINE, whose final product is approximately 5cc, offers its users an average of 25-30 billion vesicles, the highest number of vesicles in its field.

In order for vesicles to be defined as exosomes, their size must be between 30-150nm, they must be analyzed with relevant CD markers and their viability must be high. In line with the studies conducted with EXOMINE, unbiased laboratory results have proven that the average vesicle size is 116nm, as a result of the analyzes performed with the relevant CD markers, 98% of the vesicles are platelet-derived exosomes and the viability is 99%.





CD9 (Platelet) : 99,6%
CD45 (Pan Leukocyte Marker) : 0,3%
CD41 (Platelet GPIIb, IIb Integrin) : 99,4%
CD61 (Platelet glycoprotein GPIIIa) : 98,6%
CD81 (Target for anti-proliferative antigen 1 [TAPA-1]) : 98,5%
7 AAD : 98,9%

Immunophenotypic measurements were performed using the Beckman Coulter DxFLEX Flow Cytometry system, and the evaluation was completed with the CytExpert DxFLEX software program. (Measurements were implemented at the Private Deren Laboratory.)

As a result of the studies carried out, 4.5 × 10 9  particles/mL vesicles were obtained with the EXOMINE Kit, the average vesicle size was 116.6 nm, and as a result of the analyzes carried out with the relevant CD markers, 98% of the vesicles were exosome origin and the viability was 99%. proven by its results.

Q&A Exosomer

Exosomer är nanovesiklar från mesenkymala stamceller. De arbetar genom att generera signaler som tillåter celler i kroppen att kommunicera med varandra och styra hur kroppen svarar på inflammation, skada och läkning.

Klinikens kostnad för material ligger på ca 2500 kr och 1 arbetstimme. Vi tycker att priset till kund ska ligga på 5 – 8 000 kr.

Jämförande exempel:
Håravfall med PRP oftast 3 behandlingar eller fler med 4-5 veckors mellanrum à 2-3000 kr.
Med Exomine/Dermomine räcker det ofta med bara 1 behandling och ett riktigt bra resultat.

De allra flesta som provat båda behandlingarna svarar entydigt att exosomer är en helt överlägsen behandling.

Man har visat att exosomer förbättrar håravfall, alla ortopediska indikationer som behandlas med PRP, Vaginova och behandling av extremt svårläkta sår.

Exosomer producerar oftast långvariga resultat redan efter 1 behandling. Men beroende på patientens anatomi, inflammation och medicinska kondition, så kan flera behandlingar vara nödvändiga. Här krävs en konsultation för att göra upp en handlingsplan som också kan innehålla alternativa behandlingar

En känd ortoped behandlar artros genom att kombinera PRF, Exosomer och SVF (stamceller) med ca 6 veckors mellanrum.

Vid alla kosmetiska behandlingar finns det en risk för t.ex svullnad efter injektionen, infektion och kontaminering och att patienten svarar dåligt på behandlingen,

Genom den process som vi använder, Exomine, för att utvinna exosomer, får vi automatiskt med massor av tillväxtfaktorer och som aktivt bidrar till resultatet.

Exosomer utvinns från mesenkymala stamceller och innehåller signifikant mera tillväxtfaktorer. Detta bidrar till deras överlägsna förmåga att läka, återuppbygga och revitalisera behandlingsområdet för optimala resultat.

Exosomer ”på burk” kan utvinnas från många olika källor. Det kan vara allt från fett från unga kvinnor till växter. Dessa preparat är inte godkända någonstans för injektion. De kan bara användas tillsammans med microneedling eller liknande. Exosomer från andra/annat tycks dock inte ha någon negativ effekt på immunförsvaret. Man har visat att exesomer från människa har bra effekt på möss. Men det är den inbyggda risken som myndigheterna är rädda för. Det krävs ytterligare forskning.

Däremot medför exosomer som hämtats från dig själv och koncentrerats inte någon liknande risk. Därför kan dessa exosomer injiceras och därmed ge ett bättre resultat.



EXOMINE has a wide potential for use in the fields of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Dermatology and Medical Aesthetics. It is frequently used in combination with skin and fat tissue to ensure soft tissue healing, regionally improving tissue quality, gaining tissue shine, increasing elastin and collagen synthesis, eliminating wrinkles and hair loss. It is used in dermatology, especially for skin rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, stretch mark and blemish treatments. EXOMINE ensures thickening, volume and growth of hair follicles in the area for weakened hair and is widely used after hair transplantation.


EXOMINE’s most important purpose in the field of Orthopedics and Physical Therapy is; It allows patients to continue their daily lives comfortably by relieving pain and reducing the number of applications requiring drug injection and surgical interventions. In general, tendinosis (at the cellular level, chronic tendon damage), improvement of ligament and connective tissue damage, positive effect of fascia (plantar fasciitis), known as fibrosis-related tissue, and Achilles tendon damage, cartilage damage and bone-related damage (BMSCs combinations). It is frequently used for this reason.


In wound care; Successful results can be obtained with EXOMINE in cases where surgical options are limited or the success rate of surgery is low, such as wounds due to vascular insufficiency, wounds opened on the basis of trauma (provided that they are not cancerous) or sugar sores.
In Ophthalmology, known as ophthalmology, EXOMINE is used especially in cases of Corneal Ulcer and Dry Eye syndrome. However, for example, in dry eye syndrome, the prepared EXOMINE is applied by the drip method instead of the injection method. It is known that EXOMINE helps prevent inflammation in corneal ulcers.
In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, EXOMINE is effective in stimulating bone and hard tissue as well as soft tissue. It is used clinically in many areas, from gums to jaw bone osteonecrosis.